November for me is composing new songs by the fire literarily and also planning next years BALTIC SEA TOUR 2016 where we will continue our journey at sea with Lighthouse Stories. This time with a complementary theme: Music & Miljö (Music & Environment). In springtime our music documentary “Maybe we’ll only play before the gulls” will be broadcasted on Swedish Television.
…even though the summers tour is whirling inside with its joy and experiences, my god what a trip. A life time event!
November concerts:
6/11 11.00 and 20.30 ca Åre Sustainability Summit
20/11 Sjöhistoriska Museet. GIG POSTPONED TO SPRING due to ILLNESS. SEE YOU IN SPRING 2016!
22/11 DN-författarkryssning, 16.00 (endast prenumeranter!)