The music documentary from 2017, made by Peter Wirén and broadcasted on Swedish Television 2017 with more than 700.000 views is now at last avaliable on Youtube! Please enjoy! Thanks to all people envolved! Happy New Year!
link: Lighthouse Stories

The music documentary from 2017, made by Peter Wirén and broadcasted on Swedish Television 2017 with more than 700.000 views is now at last avaliable on Youtube! Please enjoy! Thanks to all people envolved! Happy New Year!
link: Lighthouse Stories
Peter Wirén and Sofie Livebrant have been travelling with music and camera, made documentaries, music videos, photographs during 10 years! Celebration! Thanks to Kulturrådet, Konstnärsnämnden, STIM, thanks to travel companions: Hal, Jacob, Lisa, John, Nikolaj! But the warmest thanks will be for the many, many, many people from all over the world, who have opened their homes, lighthouses, cottages, fields, boats, mills, barns! We love you all!
DIARY 2014 – 2024
2014 Aug Release Ep Lighthouse Stories, Travel to Cape Wrath, UK
2015 10/6 Album Lighthouse Stories, North Sea Tour SE, N, DK, UK
2016 recording Secrets
2017 26/5 Single release Le Secret, Svt-documentary Lighthouse Stories- Sånger från havet
8/9 Single release Black Night
2018 Sept Travel to Orosei, Tenore su Remediu de Crosei, Sardegna, IT
2019 july travel to Tiblisi/Kakhethi, Georgien, The Georgian State Ensemble of Folk singing Ensemble Basiani and Qedeli community i Sighnagi 2/8 Single Release Vänd dig om/Zirata in tundu med Tenore su Remediu de Orosei/1/8 Mini documentary – Sofie Livebrant meets Tenore su Remediu de Orosei
2020 Covid sept Video Film Recording at Kinnekulle, Lundsbrunn, SE/ AT Tonbruket, Sthlm Recording Weep The Time Away
2021 22/10Single release och video release Deep Deep Down In The Silent Grave/ 3/12 Album release Weep The Time Away- Emily Brontë
2022 2 jan Single release Shall Earth No More Inspire Thee/ May Travel till Haworth, UK/ 11/11/ Single release Blue Bell – field recording Haworth
2023 may Visit by Ensemble Basiani in Stockholm/ July travel to Haworth, UK 1/12 Single release The Star
2024 Travel to Malmö 10 year celebration,
24/12 Lighthouse Stories documentary out on Youtube.
Välkommen att möta Sofie Livebrant, så, gitarr & Hal Parfitt-Murray fiol, mandolin, på båten Emely Raven som är förtöjd på Skeppsbron! Den 17 aug 20:00. Fri Entré!
Until then, please enjoy concert with Hal Parfitt-Murray in Denmark at Klaverfabrikken! “Weep The Time Away”, film by Markus Kluge.
– ett folkligt oratorium av Sofie Livebrant, baserat på engelska traditionella texter. Jesu liv berättas genom drömmar, innehållandes magi och mirakler.
Katarina Flickkör, Aspirantkör 3, Katarina Oratoriekör. Körledare: Linnéa Lundgren, Emelie Power. Musiker: Sofie Livebrant, Natasja Dluzewska, Torbjørn Netland.
Biljetter: Ticketmaster:´s%20question
Historierna om Nybroviken är många och några berättas det om i Cornelis Vreeswijks älskade visor. “Visa vid Nybroviken” är en hyllningskonsert till en av våra käraste vissångare och kompositörer. Det är också en hyllning till Nybroviken och huset på Nybrokajen 11 där många huserat under det senaste seklet. Det blir ett kärt återseende med Blåsarsymfonikerna, som här medverkar tillsammans med kompband med bl a Max Schultz och välkända artister – allt under ledning av dirigenten Christoffer Nobin.
Kristin Amparo
Sofia Karlsson
Sofie Livebrant
Mikael Samuelson
Anna Larsson
Saskia Kvartett
Siri Pettersson
Temmuz Tunca Tunç
Please enjoy the New Christmas Song release “The Star”, music composed by Sofie Livebrant to the Emily Brontë poem no 18! Out now on all digital platforms
Thanks to Katarina Kammarkör, Hans Vainikainen conductor and choir arrangement, Gregory Lloyd organ, Andreas Eklöf recording and mix, Henrik Sundbring master, Henric Claesson cover, Peter Wirén cover-picture, Rootsy Music for making this possible!
It’s a pleasure to present an interesting lyric project 2Poems2Song, and one of its outcomes, “The Bay” is a poem by the English writer James Antoniou that has been put to music by Sofie Livebrant, recorded, arranged and produced by Johan Lindström. Please enjoy the result here and we are looking forward to the article about the process! Thanks to the Trustees of the British Museum for the permission for the possibility of using the image of this fantastic “Phoenician shell” from 600BC!
Most Welcome to join me and Hal Parfitt-Murray, violin at coming up concerts:
3 nov 19:00 Ladhalla, Höreda 7, Ramkvilla
8 dec 19:00 Lundsbrunns hembygdsgård
9 dec E.M “Samfundet de Nio”, Östermalm, Stockholm
Please click down below link for a preview of Sofie running on Emily Brontës homeland! Film and picture by Peter Wirén.
Welcome all lovers of Emily Bronte to The Ponden Mill in Yorkshire (UK) the 2nd of AUGUST 19:00! We’ll do an intimate concert with Sofie Livebrant, Hal Parfitt-Murray and Emily Bronte Poems. Drinks and 1800-inspired bisquits that the family Bronte loved will be served! It’s a FREE concert but donations are welcome! The concert will be filmed and intertwined in the documentary, Emily Brontë – the Bluebell from Haworth. Warmest Welcome Villagers and passing throughers!
Celebrating Sofia Karlssons’ loved performance together with Sofie Livebrant at the Official Sweden Day at Orbeliani Square, Tbilisi in Georgia May 11th 2023. An event under the European Union umbrella since Sweden is the having the leadership until last of June. The Georgian audience did sing along with joy and we all enjoyed this “Sweden Day” where people could enjoy a FIKA (coffee and a cinnamon-bun) and Toast Skagen. Not to end the festivities here, the Georgian State Ensemble of Folk Song – Ensemble Basiani will come to Sweden in end of May and will do a concert at Konserthuset (unfortunately its a closed event for solely invited) but at least you can meet Sofie Livebrant and Basiani in this film teaser! All this feels inspirational and magic!