Jag har under under Corona-pandemin spelat in tonsättningar av en av de mest egensinniga, engelska 1800-tals författarna: Emily Jane Brontë. Release under 2021. Producent Johan Lindström med gästande musiker; Hal Parfitt-Murray, Dan Berglund, Konrad Agnas, sångare ur Ensemble Basiani m fl Tack Kulturrådet!
“The night is darkening round me, The wild winds coldly blow; But a tyrant spell has bound me, And I cannot, cannot go. The giant trees are bending, Their bare boughs weighed with snow, And the storm is fast descending, and yet I cannot go. Clouds beyond clouds above me, Wastes beyond wastes below; But nothing drear can move me- I will not, cannot go” Emily Brontë Nov 1837

Caption by Kenth Wångklev, from Emily Brontë-concert in Katharina Church October 2020!