Now the first testing- edition of Lighthouse Stories Tour has been put to sea! Thank you all involved in this project, Hilda, Hal, Nikolaj, Lisa, Torbjorn, Anette, Olle and more…filmmaker Peter Wiren, friends, concert audiences, arrangers in Scotland, Sweden and Norway! An extra heartful thanks I would like to send to Mr John Kay, and his 4 rescue dogs, from Cape Wrath Lighthouse. If you wouldn’t have said “yes” after a thought of 30 seconds, this inspirational trip wouldn’t be possible to do. This has really done my life more wonderful! Thanks!
5 Cape Wrath Lighthouse/Scotland
6 Isle of Skye/Scotland
9 Stockholm Folkfestival/Sweden
10 Stockholm Folkfestival/Karin Boye/Sweden
15 Panorama Hotel/Marstein Lighthouse/Norway
16 Masfjord Boathouse/Norway
Click here to listen to “The Sun“
July 24th Preparing and drilling
During the hottest day of summer, I prepare Lighthouse Stories to be put into the sea. The EP record will arrive any day to Stockholm. The music tour starts August 2nd and the first concert will be in Scotland at Cape Wrath Lighthouse 5th. Lots of work to do until then.
Jeanette Winterson says about her book:
‘Lighthousekeeping is as sea story, a love story, a loss story, a lost story, a life story, a bedtime story and my story.’
She always seems to know what to say, she always have an amazing quick answer, which is turning what we know upside down and you feel inspired and thrilled. She loves to retell known stories and turn them around to view some new angle.
For me the work is more like a wandering around with a bunch of questions: What is Lighthouse Stories, why I’m doing this, what do I want to tell and why would this be important for others to hear? I get no clear answer, only a need is urging, a longing to continue on this path. The stories have enfolded me and I just have to continue to drill….
I’ve read Lighthousekeeping over and over again, I have recited parts of the book during concerts over the years and I love the fantasy and all the stories. Especially I have empathy for the brave little ten year old child Silver, who have to survive, even though there are not much of support for her. My daughter is about the same age. But Silver is not totally alone, which gives me hope. She is going through hard and overwhelming times, but there some supporters: the tense Ms Pinch (orphan too?) and the blind lighthouse keeper Mr Pew (orphan too?) and his stories, which helps her to put her life in a wider perspective when she feels alone, abandoned or feel shame for her background, a child born outside marriage. Pew encourages her to tell her life as a story, which would help when it gets too tough.
‘I believe that storytelling is a way of navigating our lives. Fact are partial. Fiction is a more complete truth. If we read ourselves as narrative, we can change the story that we are. If we read ourselves as literal and fixed, we find we can change nothing.’ (JW)
It’s a quiet support system that JW is painting up. An encouraging shout: Come on! Go on! Live! Be a loving human whatever happened to you! Whoever you think you are!
‘Don’t regret your life, child. It will pass soon enough.’ as Pew says to Silver.
I love that time and space is merged in the book. Everything is happening at the same time, and not. The boundaries of fact loosens its power while reading. In that kind of world I can rest and enjoy. And probably I find and see, through this net of stories, myself.
Här kan du köpa den fysiska skivan Några Karin!
“Några Karin” ges endast ut i digital form på Playground Music AB och den kan du ladda ner omedelbart på Itunes, men om du önskar en fysisk skiva, skicka ett mail till och beställ. Den kostar 100:- inkl moms och porto.
Karin Boyes livsplatser-turné – Göteborg 10 maj 18.30!
KARIN BOYE – RELEASETURNÉ 7-10 maj – Karins livsplatser!
Jag ser så fram emot turnén för Karin Boye-skivan “Några Karin!“. Jag vill spela på några av “Karins platser”: där hon föddes, levde i sina unga år och där hon lämnade jordelivet lutad mot en tall….hon levde också i Uppsala, Wiggbyholm, Östermalm och Berlin…men det får bli nästa turné….Jag valde de viktigaste platserna för mig! Efter detta kommer Karin-musiken bli inlemmad tillsammans med Emily Dickinson och de andra underbara poeter jag tonsatt!
7 maj ALiNGSÅS KONSTHALL 19.00 där det också pågår en konstutställning med Maria Friberg, tema flöde och kontroll, som sägs vara intressant! Konserten arrangeras av Alingsås kommun med fantastiska Birgitta Westergren-Lenken!
8 maj FULLERSTA GÅRD i HUDDINGE 18.00 där Huddinge kommun och Karin Boyesällskapet arrangerar konserten på den fantastiska 1700talsgården som ligger strax bredvid Huddinge Centrum, där Karin Boye bodde med sin familj i en villa 1909 ca….det står en staty framför där hon bodde, även om det idag är ett höghus där. Karin Boyesällskapet betalar så det är fri entre. Åk till Huddinge Centrum med pendeltåget och gå till vänster efter trapporna, följ vägen tills ni ser en äppelträdgård! Där finns också ett special Karin Boye-rum att bese, med böcker, statyer och bilder….Även så kan man äta och fika kakor och bullar emellan kakelugnarna från Mariestad….
9 maj STADSBIBLIOTEKET TRAPPAN 13.00 på Götaplatsen i Göteborg tillsammans med Felisia Westberg!
10 maj FOLKTEATERN i GÖTEBORG (18.30) 19.00 där de under dagen uppmärksammar Kristallnatten med manifestationen “Det fria ordet” med flera monologer från 15.00, vi avslutar dagen med förband: Felisia Westberg, som sjunger och spelar fantastiska låtar med kontrabas. Sen kommer jag, Henrik Cederblom och Petter Eriksson och förhoppningsvis gäster från skivan…Detta är en fest, så vi har bestämt att det är fri entre, så kom och fira och drick champagne med oss!
CD Karin Boye-tonsättningar Playground Music Release den 23 april!
Order the mini album here! “Några Karin”! Listen to Osårbar !
An intervju 24/4 with Sofie at the Blogg Kafé K!
Helsingborgs Dagblad says about the record!
Sofie talks about the work
– As a 9 year old I found Karin Boye in my mother’s bookshelf and did set music to a couple of her poems. After a resting period of thirty years, while working with other poets such as Dan Anderson, Emily Dickinson and Sylvia Plath, this summer lots of great reminders of Karin bumped into my face. By mistake I had my hair cut short due to language confusion in Florens. Suddenly my appearance was very like Karin Boye who had her hair this way in the twenties. Later on, in Sweden, people started to talk about her all the time…and at last the message was delivered so I decided to open her poetry book again and when I did many of the songs on the record came in an half an hour. Thank you, Karin!
The songs are recorded in Gothenburg where Karin Boye was born 1900. The Release Tour will be in her places: Gothenbourg, Huddinge (suburb to Stockholm) and in Alingsås where she died 1941 leaning towards a tree.
Karin Boye Release Tour May:
May 7th 18.00 Alingsås, Konstmuseet
May 8th 18.00 Huddinge, Fullersta Gård, Stockholm, Free entrance (Karin Boye Society)
May 10th 19.00 Gothenbourg Folkteatern, Free entrance!
P2 Världen dubbelkonsert 10 april STALLET – Karin Boye!
Välkommen på konsert på Stallet kl19.00. Sofie Livebrant & Saxtas
LYSSNA HÄR: OSÅRBAR av Karin Boye/Sofie Livebrant
Here we go, faster Klara!
Release den 23 april av Karin Boye-tonsättningarna “Några Karin”. Here we go, faster Klara! Hon är min förebild! Lyssna gärna på en av sångerna från minialbumet: Osårbar !
Intensive work!
Intensive work with Jeanette Winterson and Karin Boye’s lyrics and songs which we recorded before Christmas! Now it is mixing-time. I celebrate the beginning of the New Year, together with the most lovely people! I can’t have more fun!
“World-Class Entertainment for Emily Dickinson World Citizen”
Fin artikel av Emily Seelbinder om EDIS International Conference 2013!